We are uniquely positioned to put people to work both here in Canada, where we operate now, and in China, where I used to live and where I started Unbelts. We have spent years developing relationships with small, family-owned factories that share our commitment to living wages and safe, clean working conditions.
These factories, like the small businesses we're working hard to support in our home communities, have been hit hard by Covid-19 - their pockets just aren't deep enough to absorb months of sustained revenue loss. By partnering with factories we trust for our mask components and a portion of our cut-and-sew, we're helping them stay afloat until business as usual resumes.
We're looking forward to supplementing production with our Edmonton studio, which is currently very limited in output because of physical distancing guidelines. Our small but mighty space only accommodates one seamstress right now, but Kassy is excited to begin sewing kids' masks here.