Ask Brave Questions | Fashion Revolution Week

Ask Brave Questions | Fashion Revolution Week



Fashion Revolution Week starts today, and we’ve got a problem. As we talk more about FRW and its signature #whomademyclothes campaign, we’re hearing comments like these:


  • “Oh God - I don’t want to ask who made my clothes. I bought this t-shirt at H&M. I’m horrible.”
  • “I don’t feel like I’m entitled to ask that. I can’t afford to buy all-local brands.”


Here’s the thing. Fashion Revolution, to us at FMB, isn’t about guilt. Guilt immobilizes, and we need a path to change that’s beaten by lots and lots of feet taking little steps.


That’s why we’re suggesting that you, a single consumer with (if you’re anything like us) imperfect shopping habits, use the #whomademyclothes campaign to show the positive changes that are already being made by you and others in your community.


Sure, you can ask that big Swedish brand #whomademyclothes - but you can also ask the scarf knitter at your farmer’s market and shine a light on her non-toxic dye process. She needs the marketing, and your city needs to see that they can take a small step towards more responsible shopping by purchasing from businesses like hers.


Our mantra is “Progress, not perfection.”


We want you to be brave this week by asking questions despite your own imperfections, and accepting answers that are equally imperfect. We’re all working within limitations, but the more we hear #whomademyclothes, the more normal it becomes to expect real change.


How to participate in Fashion Revolution Week:


  1. Follow @fash_rev (global) as well as your national Fashion Revolution campaign - find the list of all involved countries here. Edmonton is one of the first cities to have its own handle - if you’re a YEGger, find us at @fash_revyeg.
  2. Tag a fashion brand you know is taking steps, small or big, to create more sustainable products. Ask them #whomademyclothes, and let them know you’re doing so because you love what they’re doing and want more people to hear their story. OR
  3. Tag a fashion brand you’d like to see more progress or transparency from. Ask them #whomademyclothes, let them know you don’t expect a perfect answer, but that you do want more info to base your buying decisions on.


In Edmonton? Download our Edmonton-specific Get Involved guide here, and check out our list of events here.


Elsewhere in the world? Check out Fashion Revolution’s resources here - there’s lots to get involved in.

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